November 8, 2010
I just finished my 5th weekof training and am now just over halfway done. Time is flying by, and before I know it, I'll be at my site...and I'll be there for the next 2 years. While I've been here in Namaacha, I've had a lot of time to observe things relating to Mozambique, Namaacha, and life as a PCV in general. So I decided to make a list...
I'm sure I'll add to this later, but for now, here are 40 things I've learned so far, in no particular order
1. Roosters have no sense of time
2. Pedestrians yield to cars. It is NEVER the other way around.
3. MSG makes everything taste better
4. Onions, oranges, and everything in between taste better in Mozambique
5. Mozambicans love their beer.
6. Mozambican people have no problem telling you how much you suck at something, or if you look a hot mess, or if there are pimples on your face...
7. No matter the age or the gender, everyone loves Justin Beiber and Lady Gaga
8. Dogs have no problem having sex right in front of you. Neither do cats, chickens, frogs, goats, random insects, etc...
9. There is a reason why Mozambican people usually take about 3 baths a day...
10. The phrase "hotter than Africa" only applies to Namaacha about twice a week. Other times its just really cold and/or really rainy
11. "Boas festas!" does NOT mean Happy Holidays...
12. Lizards are your friends
13. There are lots of "ninjas" in Mozambique...and they're probably contributing to the high prevalence of HIV...
14. Children pretty much come out of the womb knowing how to dance
15. If you aren't hungry, you must be sad or angry about something...
16. Sometimes you won't know which part of the chicken you're actually eating...
17. Uncles can go from cool to creepy in under 15 seconds.
18. If you don't have speakers, pulling the car up, opening the doors, and blasting your stereo works as well
19. Its perfectly ok to get into a car (not driving!) with a glass/open bottle of beer
20. People don't really understand the concept of an "only child"
21. the louder the music is in the bar, the more empty it is
22. Chickens pretty much know their fate. They always have a sad look in their eyes.
23. Even in Mozambique, stores start selling Christmas decor way too early
24. The quieter you are, the more nervous you're making the people around you...
25. Nothing is better than walking past guava, mango, avocado, papaya, and banana trees everyday....
26. Always carry toilet paper
27. Being called fat = compliment.
28. Your body gets used to eating 5 times a day very quickly...
29. Brazilian TV is way more raunchy than in the States...but the acting is so bad that you can't look away.
30. Its perfectly normal to be awaken at 6am by someone blasting electro house music...or to try to fall asleep at 9pm to someone blasting R.Kelly
31. FOFOCA TRAVELS REALLY FAR, REALLY QUICKLY...and yes....everyone is fofoca-ing about you...because there's nothing else to do
32. When it all comes down to it, no matter the situation, we all just want to have fun and love life.
33. You have never been truly uncomfortable until you've ridden in a chapa
34. All you need is an entryway to an apartment building with a few electrical outlets and you can have a fully functioning beauty/barber salon
35. the best word in the portuguese language: "passear". Close runner up: "ja"
36. The best snack foods are purchased on the side of the road...
37. The human body is amazing. You should thank God everyday for your body's natural ability to completely reject and purge anything it doesn't like...
38. Pepto bismol is equally amazing.
39. Laundry is the best morning workout
40. Children are two things: creative and resilient
Stories, observations and random musings from my 27 months of service with Peace Corps Mozambique as a Community Health Promoter. The contents of this website are my own personal reflections and do not reflect the position of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps. so sit back, relax, and enjoy!
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
"Never let 'life' get in the way of living"
"Never let 'life' get in the way of living"
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